How's the real estate market?

jamielcash Licensing, Real Estate Accelerator, Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Career Launcher, Massachusetts Licensing, Buyer Agency Professional (BAP) Posts: 513

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As you venture into real estate, one question that will continue to come up is: How's the market?

Many agents fall into the trap of providing a simplistic response of "It's good" or "I'm busy," but these answers don't lead to meaningful conversations. Having a script ready for your response could spark their attention. This could involve asking clients about their specific intentions, whether they're looking to buy, sell, invest, or rent. Then tailor the information you share based on their situation.

When faced with inquiries about the market, it's beneficial to be honest and explain the challenges, such as limited inventory, an abundance of buyers, and historically high/low mortgage rates. A valuable piece of advice for real estate agents is that honesty fosters trust with clients. It allows you to empathize by inquiring about their well-being and understanding their housing needs.

Once you establish a strong, trust-based relationship, it will pave the way for your success in the future.

So…How is the market in your area? Share with us in the comments.
