Ice Breaker!

jamielcash Licensing, Real Estate Accelerator, Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Career Launcher, Massachusetts Licensing, Buyer Agency Professional (BAP) Posts: 513

Hall of Fame


We’re super excited to be here with you and we want to start getting to know you right away, real estate enthusiasts! So please share your name/what you’d like to be called, where you are in your career path and anything else you’d like us to know about you (do you like dogs, are you a chef, where you’re located, anything at all!).


  • jamielcash
    jamielcash Licensing, Real Estate Accelerator, Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Career Launcher, Massachusetts Licensing, Buyer Agency Professional (BAP) Posts: 513

    Hall of Fame

    edited October 2023

    Welcome Toni! I'm in CO as well. It's a beautiful place. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. If I don't know the answer, I'll put you in contact with the right person to help you. Best of luck! We are glad you are here.