Final Exams
Hi I have a question regarding final exams after every unit, I was told the first unit ie real estate principle exam need to be taken after 18 days from purchase, can I take the unit 2 and subsequently unit 3 in a week or need to wait for 18 days for each unit? Thanks in advance
South Carolina State Real Estate Exam
I missed passing by 1 question on the SC State RE exam. There were several questions that were not in my online course. Wondering if Kaplan has updated material for SC State. Would someone kindly reach out to me to review a few question conundrums….Thanks so much.-Lesa Salvani
Final Pearson Vue in Person Test
After completing the 120 hour course for NV, which includes taking test and getting cert, how long do you have to take the In Person Final Final Exam for license
Question 48, sample test #2 page p. 502 in Modern Real Estate Book
I am stumped the following question: A real estate transaction has a closing date of November 15. The seller, who is responsible for costs up to and including the date of settlement, has already paid the property taxes of $11,160 for the calendar year. On the closing statement, the buyer will be A. debited $1,395. B.…
Where do I find the link for the interactivity question?
Sample test #2 question 74 modern real estate textbook page 505
In one commercial building, a tenant intends to start a small health food shop. An identical, adja- cent building houses a showroom leased to a major national retailing chain. Both tenants have long- term leases with identical rents. If the appraiser uses a capitalization rate for the store leased to the national retailing…
California Real Estate Practice Category
@jamielcash Please help me find the California Real Estate Practice Category so I can answer the required question and move on with my course! Thank you!!
Real estate practice category answer question
I’m not able to access the question for the community forum video regarding the bias in the video. I need this to take the test
Real estate practice category
hello I cannot access the practice category.. please help.
Learning disability
Hi everyone, I have dyslexia and I’m finding it so hard to stay on track and feel defeated. Do anyone have any recommendations I can use to tackle this or in the same boat ? 😩 I’m so determined to pass !