Interactive Question for CA

Eunice11037139 California Licensing Posts: 2



Hello I am unable to find the ca real estate practice category to fine the reqired interactivity questions. Please let me know how to access it.

Thank you


  • SavvyCuriosity
    SavvyCuriosity Posts: 21



    That's a great question @Eunice11037139, I'm tagging @jamielcash to help answer it for you.

  • jamielcash
    jamielcash Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing, Buyer Agency Professional (BAP) Posts: 926

    Hall of Fame



    You now have the access you need. Please reach out if you need anything else.

  • Daryl11244017
    Daryl11244017 California Licensing Posts: 1

    @jamielcash I am also looking for the CA Interactive questions.

  • jamielcash
    jamielcash Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing, Buyer Agency Professional (BAP) Posts: 926

    Hall of Fame


    @Daryl11244017 you now have the access you need. Please let me know if you need anything else.

  • Kelly11232284
    Kelly11232284 California Licensing Posts: 1



    Hello, I also can't locate where the interactivity is…can someone advise? Thanks!

  • Tabitha May Hasin
    Tabitha May Hasin Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Posts: 301



    @Kelly11232284 Hi Kelly, did you click on the Real Estate Practice category?

  • jamielcash
    jamielcash Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing, Buyer Agency Professional (BAP) Posts: 926

    Hall of Fame


    @Kelly11232284 you now have the access you need. Please reach out if you have any other issues or questions.