Why are you doing this?

jamielcash Licensing, Real Estate Accelerator, Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Career Launcher, Massachusetts Licensing, Buyer Agency Professional (BAP) Posts: 513

Hall of Fame


Setting intentions invites us to slow down, introspect, and live purposefully in a world that often encourages us to race toward external achievements. It's a continuous process that guides you toward a more authentic, intentional, and fulfilling life. As you start the year, and possibly your career in Real Estate, set an intention.

Why are you doing this?

Setting an intention will help:

  • Increased Focus: Setting intentions sharpens your focus on what truly matters to you, reducing distractions and unnecessary pursuits.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: With clear intentions, decision-making becomes more straightforward. You can assess options based on whether they align with your vision and values.
  • Greater Resilience: Intentions act as a source of motivation and resilience. When faced with challenges, they remind you of your deeper purpose, helping you persevere.

Share your intention for 2024 and @ a friend who might benefit from reading this.

@Tabitha Hasin @Kristina Chamberlin @Evelyn10444744 @Andrea10362708


  • Tabitha May Hasin
    Tabitha May Hasin Real Estate Accelerator Posts: 316



    My intention for 2024 is to read at least 3 real estate books for industry professionals that people have told me are inspiring and/or insightful.
