Career mentor class

Lydia10476370 California Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Posts: 8

I'm having issues getting into the career mentor class, Is anyone else having issues?

I'm in the waiting room for 15 minutes now.


  • Art Valenzuela
    Art Valenzuela Real Estate Accelerator, California Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Posts: 52



    Hi @Lydia10476370 I am so sorry you had to wait for 15 minutes or more to get into Career Mentor. I hope you were finally able to get in and enjoy the rest of session. I am brainstorming with all the mentors on how we can eliminate this issue. Because the classes tend to be large and people come in and out of them regularly during the hour, it tends to break up the momentum the mentor has presenting the content and it's easy to forget to check the waiting room. In the upcoming year we are will experiment with dual coverage (having 2 mentors present) as well as other ideas to improve the student experience for this very popular weekly session. My sincere apologies to you again and please know your experience and the support we provide are our top priority. My email is Please feel free to reach out to me with any issues or questions as well as continue to use the forum so others may participate as well. Happy Holidays to you and yours.

  • Lydia10476370
    Lydia10476370 California Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Posts: 8

    No worries, thank you for the message. I always enjoy those classes.

    Happy holidays to you and your family as well.

  • Hydee10497008
    Hydee10497008 California Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Posts: 6



    @Art Valenzuela Unfortunately I don't think that's the case at least for me. It says it's still waiting for a host to start the meeting. I understand if there won't always be a mentor available but that should be communicated ASAP so we can plan accordingly or instead of Kaplan sending out an automated email reminding us of the Career Mentor Live Online Connect they can simply let us know if there won't be a live. Greatly appreciated.

  • Hydee10497008
    Hydee10497008 California Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Posts: 6



    @Art Valenzuela I also understand life happens and things come up last minute, but I am also noticing this happening more often than not.