when and how to find a mentor


I am wondering what point is good to try and find a mentor. I have started the class already and am wondering if I should try looking for one now, or if I should wait until I complete the course. Also what are some tips for trying to find and reach out to a mentor. What are some things to look for in a person. Thanks



  • Deborah10045549
    Deborah10045549 Posts: 27

    Hall of Fame


    Howdy, I'm halfway done with my coursework and felt so enlightened and encouraged by this platform that I went ahead and took my state licensing exam. And I passed!!!!!!!! Then, I went out to celebrate and signed on 3 clients!!!!

    Actually... Happy April Fool's day. I'm just kidding. I have yet to become a licensee, but still dream of the day. All joking aside, I do feel a lot more confident about the rode ahead thanks to everyone's comments and responses, especially that interview "admin" posted. So motivational. Thanks!!

    Now, I have a related question: Would having an out of state mentor be advantage or would it less beneficial? Is the same true for (out of state but) regional mentors? Unlike y'all in California, we here in Pennsylvania could easily meet a mentor in NJ for lunch and one in Delaware for dinner. Thanks for any insight.

    P.S. Just to be clear, the only part of the first paragraph that's true is the part about feeling enlightened and encouraged.

  • Art Valenzuela
    Art Valenzuela Real Estate Accelerator, California Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Posts: 52


    edited April 2023

    Lol...great April Fools joke. You reeled me in! :-) :-)

    As for your question about an out-of-State mentor; I think the subject of "mentor" comes up because we call our weekly Monday meeting 'Career Mentor'. The purpose of this meeting is so that our students can be mentored about the activities it will take to be successful in a real estate sales career. This is an interim mentorship while a student is going through the licensing process in their particular State.

    Having a mentor after you are licensed and have actively launched your career will mean having someone that you can shadow (and someone who will shadow and accompany you) on listing appointments, buyer consults, open houses, door knocking, networking events, etc. Someone that understands the dynamics of your market and that is well versed on the local laws, regulations and best practices. I would compare your business mentor to a personal trainer. You can get great tips from a trainer online or that is in a location pretty much anywhere in the world. But the personal trainer will watch how you exercise and where you need to be pushed and and improve your effort and technique.

    A business COACH on the other hand can be someone across State lines or again, pretty much anywhere in the world because that person is holding you accountable to the activities you are committing to do day in and day out. A business COACH will motivate and inspire you to reach and exceed your daily, weekly and monthly goals.

    In summary, I would recommend selecting a mentor in your local market and most likely in the brokerage you choose to work for. Once you are ready to add a Coach (and I would do this sooner rather than later) that person can be from anywhere as long as they have the experience and qualities that align with what you are looking for to help you succeed. In some cases, you might find a person to be both a mentor and a Coach, but that is a rare person because they are focusing on different part of your business from a different perspective.

    I wish you a ton of success and feel free to reach out to us anytime.

  • Deborah10045549
    Deborah10045549 Posts: 27

    Hall of Fame


    Oh wow. This answers my question and removes a great deal of fuzziness I was sensing around potential conflicts of interest. Thanks for your good wishes and for this detailed response, which gives much appreciated context to the earlier posts.

    I'm glad you laughed at my joke. I try to limit e-jokes (sometimes they just don't turn out the way you'd like), but love a good, light-hearted "fooling" on April first.

  • Patsy10068135
    Patsy10068135 Posts: 3



    I have just discovered this portion of the learning center is there recordings of past meetings ? I began 3/7 and have just realized this tab which such useful and amazing content.

  • Art Valenzuela
    Art Valenzuela Real Estate Accelerator, California Licensing Career Launcher, California Licensing Posts: 52



    @Patsy10068135 Thank your for your kind words and feedback. We do not have recordings available for viewing on our weekly career mentor session, however, you will have access to join each Monday at 6pm (Central Time) for the duration or your student experience with us. The topics will all cycle through so everything that you may have missed from March will be covered again. Enjoy your weekend and let us know if there is any other way we can be of service to you.