Looking Ahead: 2025-26 Application Cycle Prep

As the 2024-25 Application Cycle whizzes by, I am looking to apply the knowledge I've learned from this cycle to the next. I originally planned to apply this summer, but decided I wasn't completely ready yet. However, I am looking forward to applying in 2025!

I now know that I need to begin working on my AMCAS application much earlier to feel prepared and ready to submit in the first couple weeks when the portal opens in late May/early June! The Big 3 requirements for AMCAS include (1) letters of recommendation, (2) personal statement, and (3) work/activities section. There are other requirements like your transcript, background information, etc. but I like to think of these Big 3 as the requirements that I can directly influence/edit. I will ask for letters of recommendation much earlier than the deadline, so preferably around Spring Break (March) to give my letter writers plenty of time. I will also begin writing my personal statement and work/activities section earlier so that I can have time to for my peers/advisors to proofread my writing. The big idea here is to: START EARLY!

What are some other pieces of advice for applying that you all have?😀

