What is your "why"?


As we all know, pursuing a career in medicine is quite the commitment- one that demands years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. But amidst the grueling hours of study and intense training, lies a deeper, personal motivation that drives each aspiring doctor. I'd love to know why you're interested in going to med school. What inspires you to pursue this path?

Is it the desire to make a difference in people’s lives, to be the helping hand during someone’s most vulnerable moments? Perhaps it's a personal experience, a loved one’s battle with illness that sparked your passion for healing. Or maybe it’s the challenge, the continuous learning, and the quest for medical breakthroughs that excites you.

Your reasons are unique and deeply personal, and sharing them can inspire others on their journey. Whether it's a story of resilience, a lifelong dream, or a newfound calling, I'd love to know what fuels your ambition to don that white coat!