My Summer 2024

laurenhilliard Posts: 1

Kaplan Community Plus

Hello everyone! My name is Lauren and I am a senior at FSU. I have been an SBA with kaplan alittle over a year now! It has been so fun to grow with my fellow peers! I would like to take a moment to talk about what my Summer 2024 looks like! I plan to graduate this fall, so it is definitely coming sooner than later flooding me with mixed emotions. I am looking forward to my future in medicine and wanted to share what my summer has looked like so far. I indulged in summer classes for the first 6 weeks of this summer, which was overwhelmingly fast-paced. Im sure those of you who have taken 6-week courses can agree they are no easy task. Since I have finished those I have quite some time on my hands before my last undergrad semester. I am using this time to do a variety of things I love. I have started volunteering at the local food bank. I also am taking a CMA course that I will finish in about a month. I currently work part-time at the hospital which has been a blast. Beyond that, I am going on a trip to Mexico for my 21st in August which I am SO SO SO looking forward to. I spend much of my free time now at the pool or on the tennis court. As much as I love downtime as a pre-med student many of you know its hard to take a moment to relax when there is so much to prepare for. I am going to start studying for the MCAT in a few weeks to apply for the next cycle! Would love to hear what you guys are doing, any tips or tricks? Thank you guys for taking a moment to hear about what I have going on this summer, keep up the amazing work! 💗💗💗
