Start With Heart: Personal Statements ❤️📄

Shannon_Emery_KCT Development Posts: 99

Super Admin

edited June 2024 in Pre-Med Success Community

A crucial part of your medical school application is your personal statement. We took a look at the Community to find some awesome advice our instructors have shared.

Start with heart! Showcase your passion on why you want to go to medical school from our own Claudia Mikail.

Here’s all of Claudia’s advice: “You want your personal statement to be both personalized and informative. Start off by writing a first draft straight from your heart, expressing why you want to become a doctor. Then, think about how your experiences have led you to this decision and prepared you for medicine. This should inspire interesting anecdotes to share in your essay.”

Make sure you check out what Claudia had to share in her two part series about the medical school application here and here. 

Next, focus on you as you are the one filling out the application. Let admissions know who you are without giving away all of the details according to our own Nava Ratna.

Here’s all of Nava’s advice:

“...Get that first draft down first thinking about what draws you to medicine or what skills you have gained that you could use in the field. It also helps to have a friend or advisor to help you take out the parts of the essay they like. What you want to focus on is that the stories are on YOU and not necessarily what you did/giving way too much context to the experience.”

We have other personal statement tips & tricks you find here to help you along the way:

What has worked for you? What did you do to make your personal statement stand out? Or if you're starting now, what do you plan to do to make yours stand out? Share below! 


  • anhtran
    anhtran Posts: 3

    This was very helpful. Thank you for sharing! I have the tendency to go into details about the experience instead of talking more about myself and how the experience made me grow. I will keep this in mind when writing my personal statement.