Event Discussion: MCAT Prep Week -Mastering Metabolism Workshop 📚

Kendra Solis
Kendra Solis Development Posts: 292

Super Admin


✨Tonight, expert MCAT instructor @Ae-Ri led night 3 of our MCAT Prep week with tonights topic: "Mastering Metabolism".✨

In the comments below, let us know what you found most helpful from today's session.💬

Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for night 4 when we will be discussing "How to Conquer CARS".💻


  • hberhe
    hberhe Posts: 1



    Such a great lesson! I learned so so much surprisingly fast!

  • Ae-Ri
    Ae-Ri Posts: 259



    Hey friends! It was so good to meet you all today! As promised, here's my🎁 extra gift to you - a summary of the metabolic processes. I'm not a total meanie - I know it looks blank initially, and that's because I want you to try and fill it out on your own first, and then scroll down for the answers! Do this regularly, and you'll know the majority of what the MCAT tests for metabolism. Remember to focus on the big picture concepts first, and then add in the details about glycolysis and TCA afterwards.

    🤔 What questions do you have for us? I'd be happy to explain or clarify more!