To make or not to make: New Years resolutions

Teacher_Kerri Posts: 5



A new year, especially one that starts on a Monday, can be a great opportunity to set new goals for ourselves - new year, clean slate, new goals! But I'm not always very successful at keeping my resolutions; few weeks in and I start to slip up and fall back into doing what I was doing before. When I reflect on why, it's often because I set very big goals for myself that are hard to maintain without making a lot of other changes too. Just like how MCAT success is a series of small steps that all add up to big change, small obtainable resolutions can be easier to keep and have big results. Also, who told us that resolutions have to boring things that are all work and no fun?? My resolutions this year are: (1) be better about answering my emails faster (small and obtainable), and (2) try a new restaurant in my city each month (fun).

How about you; did you make any resolutions this year? Did you include any that are small and obtainable or fun?
