How can we train ourselves to keep a good mindset when it comes to plateauing during MCAT studies?

dzielenski SBA Posts: 2

MCAT studying can be brutal at times. As students it is important to stay determined when we don't see the score we want especially after lots of hard work. What can we do to stay in a good mindset during this struggle?


Best Answers

  • alison_ross
    alison_ross SBA Posts: 5
    Answer ✓

    I like to focus on where I want to get, as well as similar obstacles I've overcome in the past. Perhaps it can be paralleled to your SAT/ACT practice or studying for an exam in class. Regardless, I tell myself I can and have gotten through obstacles and will continue to do so.


  • alison_ross
    alison_ross SBA Posts: 5
    Answer ✓

    I like to focus on where I want to get, as well as similar obstacles I've overcome in the past. Perhaps it can be paralleled to your SAT/ACT practice or studying for an exam in class. Regardless, I tell myself I can and have gotten through obstacles and will continue to do so.