Are all switches resistors? Why does the switch's orientation affect L (resistor length)?

Chimezuru_Iheukwum Posts: 3

MCAT Student

edited March 24 in MCAT Question of the Day

According to the equation on the right, L = the resistor's length. However, I looked at the diagram and saw no schematic symbol for resistors

. From the explanation, I get the hunch that the switch is a resistor, but I still don't understand how L increased. Initially the switch was disconnected but present. After the switch connects to B, but the switch is the same length as before.

Best Answers

  • Jacob_Arulandu
    Jacob_Arulandu Posts: 190

    MCAT Student

    Answer ✓

    Because the wire has non-negligible resistivity that means that as the current travels it is encountering resistance throughout the entire wire. Since the entire wire essentially functions as a resistor the path the current travels from the voltage source through A is shorter than the path it would travel from the voltage source through B.

  • Ae-Ri
    Ae-Ri Posts: 307


    Answer ✓

    Great answer Jacob! The key is the non-negligible resistance in the question stem. In reality, just like a ball rolling down the hill would have friction, circuit components have small but measurable resistance. This question is testing the equation in the explanation provided on the right, particularly the length of the resistor. If the wire has resistance, it's functioning as a resistor, so the longer the wire, the more resistance you have. It's why super duper long charging cables for your phones aren't as efficient as the tiny ones lol.


  • Jacob_Arulandu
    Jacob_Arulandu Posts: 190

    MCAT Student

    Answer ✓

    Because the wire has non-negligible resistivity that means that as the current travels it is encountering resistance throughout the entire wire. Since the entire wire essentially functions as a resistor the path the current travels from the voltage source through A is shorter than the path it would travel from the voltage source through B.

  • Ae-Ri
    Ae-Ri Posts: 307


    Answer ✓

    Great answer Jacob! The key is the non-negligible resistance in the question stem. In reality, just like a ball rolling down the hill would have friction, circuit components have small but measurable resistance. This question is testing the equation in the explanation provided on the right, particularly the length of the resistor. If the wire has resistance, it's functioning as a resistor, so the longer the wire, the more resistance you have. It's why super duper long charging cables for your phones aren't as efficient as the tiny ones lol.