Did you know students have been scoring higher on the LSAT since 2017?

Krystin Major
Krystin Major Posts: 44

This graph shows the total number of LSAT applicants with 160-180 scores from 2017 - 2023.

Students have been scoring higher each year on the LSAT compared to the year prior. While recognizing that the 2020- 2021 cycle we see an extremely unique bump.



  • This somewhat bumpy, but overall upward, trajectory reminds me of what we often see with those prepping for the LSAT: It generally takes some good time to master LSAT skills and see score improvements in our LSAT practice, and we may even see our scores get lower before they get higher. Nevertheless, as many Kaplan teachers often say, "Practice makes progress!"

    What's an example of how your LSAT practice has paid off? Be encouraged to share about your experiences by replying to this post! 🌟