How to prepare yourself (and your child) for the future

Kendra Solis
Kendra Solis Development Posts: 292

Super Admin

edited June 2024 in Parents & Guardians

As a parent or guardian, you quickly become accustomed to dealing with transitions. Although change is inevitable, it's normal to feel unsure about how to handle it at times. While searching for ways to support our high school students and college freshmen, I came across a useful video. ««««««

Check it out and let me know what you think or if there are some helpful tips you'd like to add from your experience, research, or both in the comments below! 👇


  • mo_33671
    mo_33671 Posts: 20



    Our relationship with our young adults is everything! What a great video, thanks for sharing!

  • Great video. Taking that step back is one of the hardest thing we do as parents.