Ice Breaker: What Part of the College Admissions Process Do You Feel You Need the Most Help With?

Kendra Solis
Kendra Solis Development Posts: 292

Super Admin

edited February 2024 in Parents

 Did you experience any difficulties/obstacles or need answers to questions during the college admissions process? Or if you haven't gotten there yet, do you find yourself with more questions than answers?

In a recent survey, Kaplan discovered that 4 out of 10 parents and guardians experienced difficulty during the admissions process, most relating to scholarships, essays, and researching colleges. Let us know which part of the process you feel less ready for and we'll share some discussions aimed at addressing your concerns and helping you navigate this process with confidence!

Ice Breaker: What Part of the College Admissions Process Do You Feel You Need the Most Help With? 7 votes

Paul10004185Allen 2 votes
RachGuptmo_33671 2 votes
Researching Colleges
All the Above
mlholesLuisa Fernanda10390833badri 3 votes


  • Essays

    My kids struggle with writing in general and I know next year when its time time write essays, we are going to be needing a lot of help.

  • All the Above

    It's such an overwhelming process. My son is a junior and I think has decided on a local tech school. But my daughter wants to go to college. She is sophomore and we are just starting the process. It's so overwhelming. Even deciding if it's better to take AP classes or dual enroll for her junior and senior years.

  • mo_33671
    mo_33671 Posts: 20



    @RachGupt Same here! The writing is intimidating for my student as well. Would love to hear any tips that are working for your students.

  • RachGupt
    RachGupt Posts: 3

    @mo_33671 not much that we have tried yet but in preparation for college essays next year, I pulled some essay prompts from this year and am hoping to have my twins work on writing those essays during summer break so they get a feel for it.