Bar Prep Motivation

You’ve successfully completed three years of law school and now you face the most important exam of your life; but, it’s also the holiday season. Although it may feel like the rest of the world is slowing down and taking a break for the holidays, remember that you are on a mission – Esquire. It may be difficult to find motivation to study for the bar exam during this time, but make sure you remember your WHY.

When you began law school three years ago, you had one goal in mind - be an attorney. Do not let anything stand in your way. Be sure to set a holiday-friendly goal that allows you to reward yourself with festive treats for meeting small goals. You finished ten practice questions? Indulge in a candy cane. Worked on your Evidence outline? Pour yourself a hot chocolate! 

Most importantly, lean on your community. Family and friends can help by creating a supportive environment and offering you those small breaks your brain needs. Of course, be sure to remind them that your dedication now will lead to an even bigger celebration in the Spring! Reach out to peers who are studying for the exam with you and find a study group to bounce ideas off. 

Lastly, visualize the finish line. Picture yourself opening up those results and reading the words “Congratulations! You have passed the bar exam!” Your success story is in progress, this is simply another chapter.