How to Make the Most of Your Summer Associate Position

German Fernandez
German Fernandez Posts: 21



If you've secured a summer associate position, congratulations! Below are some tips on how to make the most of your summer associate position.

  1. Dress to impress! Your appearance matters and looking the part is half the battle, so make sure you dress appropriately.
  2. Be diligent with the work you are given and be sure to meet any and all deadlines. If you're confused about something, take the time to try and figure it our yourself. If you can't, then ask.
  3. Network! Attend social events hosted by the office so that you get the opportunity to meet new people and make an impression.
  4. Find a mentor. Mentors are usually very willing to answer any questions because they have been in your shoes before. They know what it is like to be starting a legal career and are full of knowledge and advice they can impart. Although you should be respectful of your mentor’s time, make full use of the opportunity they present to learn and grow as a future attorney.
  5. Develop a good reputation. Developing and maintaining a good reputation can be critical to not only your summer associate position, but to your legal career as a whole. You are only given a couple of months to make a positive and lasting impression. It can be the difference between receiving an offer for full-time employment or a glowing recommendation for a different position. Keep in mind your reputation also will follow you beyond your summer associate position, as members of the legal community do talk to one other.

Feel free to share any other tips and best of luck during your summer position!