You've put in the work. Now it's time to CRUSH the Bar!

German Fernandez
German Fernandez Posts: 21



Your bar review journey is coming to an end! You've been putting in the work over the past couple of months and now it's time to conquer the exam. Remember to get plenty of rest today and tomorrow and stay cool, calm and collected throughout the exam. Below are two final tips/suggestions:

Do not stress over things you do not know!
Do not allow yourself to stress over anything you do not know! Instead, focus on how far you
have come and have confidence in yourself that you are ready for exam-day!

What to do the day before the exam?
Many students take the day off, which is perfectly fine! If you will be studying, our suggestion is to study for no more than 5 hours. During this time, we encourage you to complete very passive tasks. For example, flip through your Outline Book, review your QuickSheets, look over a few hand-made flashcards, or spend some time with the charts in your Bar Points books. We do not recommend very active tasks like writing full essays or doing very long MCQ practice exams. It is important to give your brain time to relax!

Avoid others
Before the exam, during breaks, and after the exam, don't talk to others about the exam. This
leads to nothing but regrets about the minor issue that you did not write about, or the
multiple-choice question you are now certain you got wrong. You don't know whether that
student you were talking to is correct. Do not let someone create stress for you, let them create it for someone else. Have confidence in yourself and your preparedness!

Good luck! You got this!



  • mo_33671
    mo_33671 Posts: 20



    Avoiding others is one tip that really works for me! Creates more stress for sure.