What To Do The Week Before The Exam

Victor Piemonte
Posts: 21

The bar is a week away is both a wonderful, and terrifying statement. Students ask us all the time, “What should I be doing NOW that the bar is SO close?!?” The good news is, there are several right answers:
- Studying wise you’ll want to continue to review your outlines, specifically targeting the highly tested area. Kaplan’s course shows you what has been tested in recent years. While that’s certainly not a guarantee of what will be tested, it does show you trends and gives you an idea what is more likely to come up on the big day. You’ll also want to continue to do some timed multiple choice questions to keep yourself in rhythm.
- Get into a good routine now for the bar exam day. When we’re studying for months it can be easy to slip out of normal routines. What you want on test day is to be at your best during the hours of the exam. Get good sleep (I know… it’s hard), and try and get your body into a rhythm where you’ll be at your best during the exam.
- Think about the day itself and how it will go. Don’t obsess, but make a logical plan for that day. Example - are you driving to the test? How far is it? If you anticipate it taking 30 minutes to get from your door, to the exam door, leave an hour early. You don’t want something like a little extra traffic, or trouble finding parking to cause you to enter the exam in a panic.
- Last but certainly not least, remember to trust your training and trust yourself. You’ve put in the work. When the exam comes, attack the questions the way you prepared. If you get confused by one, move on, and don’t inadvertently spend 10 min on one multiple choice question. Remind yourself that you are READY, and go do your best. You’ve got this.
Good luck all!
These are great tips!