Tips for Landing Internships


One question we’re often asked is, “What’s the best way to land a great internship?” The question itself shows that the student is thinking ahead and planning which is a great sign; especially because those are the main things students need to do to land a great internship.

Planning Ahead - Doing research and figuring out what internships are available is certainly a great first step. From there, students will want to continue to explore the internships that interest them and plan their approach. The student should draft a strong cover letter that explains their interest, and why the student would be a good fit. If you know someone or have a personal connection with the internship that’s even better and should certainly be mentioned.

Landing The Role - If the student is able to secure an interview the next step is of course to come off as professional in said interview. Being prompt matters. Once again, you’ll want to have planned ahead by researching the role and knowing what makes you a good fit and then explaining that in the interview.

Overall the most important step in securing a great internship is finding the opportunity and then making a case as to why you’d be a great fit. Your school likely has numerous contacts and systems that you can utilize for researching roles as well.

Good luck and feel free to share your experiences, good or bad. Thank you!