What can you do to get ready for the Bar as a 1L?πŸ“š

German Fernandez
German Fernandez Posts: 21



Although the Bar Exam isn't imminent until your 3L year, there are definitely ways to prepare for it in advance as a 1L. Here are some things you should be doing:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the makeup of the bar exam you'll be taking. Simply knowing the makeup of your bar exam is the very first step to success! Spend some time researching the bar exam in the state you plan on practicing in so that you know what to expect.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the free 1L resources that bar review companies offer. These resources include lectures, outlines, practice multiple-choice questions, and more! Not only will these resources help you succeed in your 1L year, but they'll also help you get acclimated with bar style questions and course interfaces.
  3. Explore opportunities of becoming a student representative for a bar review company. Student representatives get the inside scoop on the bar exam and bar review and the more familiar you are with this, the better your own bar review experience will be!

What else are you doing to put yourself in the best position to pass the Bar Exam?

