How Do I Figure Out What Type of Law I Want to Practice?


This is the age old question of law school! What am I here to ultimately end up doing?

While there's no one size fits all answer to this question, the good news is that there are certainly plenty of things to try. In my opinion the best way to know is to gain real world experience while in school. Your law school likely offers clinics or externships where you can obtain that real world experience in various areas of law. Try and enter one of those programs for an area of law you think might be a great fit. If you love it, you likely have your answer.

Another great way to find out what you might like is through classes and your peers. Talking to others about their experiences can help you learn about areas that might interest you. Also if you know former students that have gone on to practice, reach out to them and ask how their first year or years are going.

There's tons of ways to find out how you'll want to utilize your degree. Perhaps the best advice is to try various things, and see what feels best to you. If you're fortuante to have already decided how you'll practice, or want to know more about the process feel free to share. Thanks!
