What would you tell your 1L self ... ?

Krista Bordatto
Krista Bordatto Posts: 2



We all wish we could do a few things over in life — so, if you had that chance and could warp back in time to give your 1L (or pre-law) self some advice, what would it be?


  • Brittany with Kaplan
    Brittany with Kaplan Posts: 4



    Spend more time with your classmates. Build deeper relationships here. These are the people who will be thriving with you when you reach the top of the field. It's nice to have friends there when you make it!

  • Jamesia603
    Jamesia603 Posts: 1



    I would tell my 1L self that you must study and adjust your mindset to law school. In undergrad I was able to excel with little to no studying and I had to learn quickly that, that was not going to work here in law school.