What type of continuing education do you find most valuable?

RachelSeton_CFFP FP CRPS, FP ABFP, FP FPQP, FP CRPC, FP AWMA-SE-AWMA, FP APMA, FP AAMS, FP Exam Prep, FP 511, FP 512, FP 513, FP 514, FP 515, FP 516, FP 517 Posts: 23

Today's topic: Continuing education preferences! Let us know which option you prefer. Feel free to share if we missed any or why your choice is your favorite in the comments below.

What type of continuing education do you find most valuable? 0 votes

Online Courses
0% 0 votes
0% 0 votes
Industry Conferences
0% 0 votes
Workshops and Seminars
0% 0 votes