Which Academic Goal Are You Focusing on This Semester?

RachelSeton_CFFP FP CRPS, FP ABFP, FP FPQP, FP CRPC, FP AWMA-SE-AWMA, FP APMA, FP AAMS, FP Exam Prep, FP 511, FP 512, FP 513, FP 514, FP 515, FP 516, FP 517 Posts: 23

Participate in Our Poll! If your main goal isn't listed here or you want to add some more goals, write them in the comments below.

Which Academic Goal Are You Focusing on This Semester? 0 votes

Completing All Assignments on Time
0% 0 votes
Building Stronger Study Habits
0% 0 votes
Balancing School with Work/Personal Life
0% 0 votes
Developing Leadership Skills
0% 0 votes