What's Going On Out There? #1

David7411221 Level I 2023, FP ABFP, FP FPQP, FP 515 Posts: 37

Each week I plan to post something that I glean from the pages of the Wall Street Journal for a discussion of current events. This week's topic is China. There have been several articles lately about how the Chinese economy is struggling to rebound after the most recent round of COVID shutdowns. What are your thoughts on how this will affect the US economy and, more importantly, you and your clients if you're a financial advisor?


  • Gayle Dunn
    Gayle Dunn Posts: 1



    China's economy is definitely in a decline. Manufacturing is down and unemployment, especially among young people, is quite high. It seems the effect on the US economy would be a reduction in exports to China. Multinational companies like Caterpillar would be affected. Time will tell just how much this affects the US.