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PASSER SHOUT OUTS: Charlotte Coleman- Charlotte PASSED HER FINAL EXAM & IS NOW PREPARING FOR HER STATE LICENSING EXAM!!!!!! Sheleise Taylor- Sheleise PASSED HER FINAL & STATE EXAM & IS NOW A LICENSED SALESPERSON!! CONGRATULATIONS & well done, ladies! I'm so thankful to you for your participation in GA Study Group & 1:1…
Hello Everyone, I'd like to send a PASSER SHOUT OUT to Katrina Wood, yet another of my wonderfully diligent students who PASSED her GA STATE EXAM & participated in both Instructor 1:1 appointments as well as our bi-weekly GA Study Group sessions regularly!! Clear proof that doing the work & fully immersing yourself in our…
Hello if you are an agent online in MI I would love to help you connect with others, connect to study and anything of the sort so feel free to speak up!