Post a discussion

KayCee Member
KayCee Member Posts: 14

There are a few different engagement items you can post in Kaplan Community and, when you're logged in, you'll see your options when you click New Post at top-right in anywhere you see it:

When you pick New Discussion, you're starting to an open conversation — as opposed to questions and polls — with no correct answer.

If you're in an individual category page when you select New Discussion, your post will automatically set up to post there — if you're on a homepage or in a category with sub-categories, you'll have options to choose where your discussion will post when you click Select Category:

Choose the category that suits your post best and then set about creating your conversation starter.

Share a story, ask for/give advice, share an opinion — and always ask others to share theirs, too; for example:

Though you may want your questions to be professionally meatier — sorry, couldn't hep myself 🤣 — than this, it follows the formula:

  • Clear Discussion Title
  • Shared an opinion
  • Call to action for opinions and reactions from other members

Then you want to:

  • Tag the post (if you type your tag and no options come up, simply select Tab to create your new tag)
  • Save Draft or Post Discussion

You can get to your Discussions and Drafts from any Quick Links menu throughout the site:

For a video tutorial on how to post, check out this discussion. Next, let's learn how to share an idea about how Kaplan Community works.