Getting to know you: Fill out your profile

KayCee Member
KayCee Member Posts: 13
edited February 2024 in How to Use Kaplan Community

Once you're registered, the first step in connecting to — and building a network with — people who can help you succeed in Kaplan Community is to tell us a little bit about yourself.

You can do that from your profile, to which you can navigate from your avatar / profile photo at top-right of the global navigation menu and clicking Account & Privacy Settings in the ensuing dropdown:

Once you're there, you'll see a lot of options — so let's break them down, starting on the lefthand side:

  1. Change your username, which is the name that appears on the site
  2. Update your email
  3. Update your password
  4. Choose whether or not to display your profile to other logged in users (non-logged users will not be able to see it either way)
  5. Choose whether or not to display your email to other logged in users (non-logged users will not be able to see it either way)
  6. Add your preferred communities, name, workplace, preferred pronouns, bio, title, LinkedIn URL and location
  7. Add a photo — people are more likely to engage with users who have a photo
  8. Choose whether you want to show people you're online
  9. Choose how many levels deep you want the community to fold up quote trees
  10. Create a custom signature that will appear whenever you post or comment
  11. Choose how you'd like to receive notifications from Kaplan Community
  12. A breakdown of your followed content

We will post more new how-to content throughout the beta. If you'd like to know how to do something in the community, let us know in the comments below.

You can also find the "how to" video here.